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Bjorn Reynders

Bjorn Reynders (born February 7, 1980) grew up in Leopoldsburg and has been active as a lawyer since 2007.
He specialises in commercial law and criminal law (economic and social criminal law as well as general criminal law).
In treating cases, the quality of the legal service, acquiring a thorough case knowledge and providing a personalised advice, are his priorities. Defending the interests of his clients is what matters most to him.
Bjorn is a driven lawyer who always tries to be there for his clients as much as possible. He assists his clients not only during trial, but also when they are facing possible judicial inquiries or inspections by the inspection services. Whatever your legal troubles are, you won’t be facing them alone!
Bjorn is an alumnus of the University of Ghent (Criminological sciences), KU Leuven (Law) and the Université de Fribourg in Switzerland. He has also authored many contributions in newsletters and professional magazines.
To recharge, Bjorn explores dirt roads with his mountain bike during weekends.